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Why are salespeople so different?

Sales People
Wed, Nov 17, 2021
Jason Howes

Let us help you uncover some critical areas and opportunities. Did you know that two dozen variables can determine the skills, experience, capabilities, sales mindset required for salespeople to succeed?

Let’s check out some key ones:

Type of role:


Some hunting or all hunting? “Will they” and “can they” successfully prospect for new business? Best to find this out now!

Salespeople will not miraculously turn into effective new business development machines; trust me, it won’t just happen if you’re still waiting!

If they’re not prospecting now and don’t have the motivation or commitment to do this, you need to ensure you’ve got the right person for the role. Either invest “now” in professional sales training and coaching or make the call.

What level of decision-maker do they need to reach?

  • Procurement
  • Manager
  • Owner
  • CEO

Most salespeople fail to reach decision-makers or can effectively commit to moving towards the next step in the sales process, which needs influence by higher levels of management.

How much competition will they face?

Working for a market leader is much different from working for a company trying to build market share. You can’t rely on everyone wanting what you have.

Some salespeople struggle with mindset issues here, mainly why the prospect won’t give them the time of day or opportunity to even present. If they’re not offering compelling reasons why they should give them their valuable time, customer-focused ones, that will help them fix problems; then you’re in trouble.

Your competitor’s best salesperson on paper doesn’t necessarily mean they will be a good sales performer at your company. Be careful as you can overpay only to get a salesperson who isn’t a good fit for your team.

To find out more about the science of hiring or for your existing sales team, please reach out to anything we’re here to help.

Altruistic are motivated to serve others, at the cost to themselves. Can put the customer before the company.

5 min read
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