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Motivation in sales, learn how we are all motivated

Thu, Jun 17, 2021
Jason Howes

We can help you uncover areas that may be holding your team back from being successful.

Objective Management Group analyses not only the overall motivation level, but also the balance between intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation.

We also provide insights into a number of sales-related motivational tendencies to help managers best motivate their salespeople.

Do they have enough motivation to be successful in sales, we measure all three below and any combination of the three.


Intrinsic more to recognition or satisfaction, love of selling or mastery. May not chase new business as hard, if comfortable.


Extrinsic tend to be more motivated by money or items, holidays ect. Better for shorter sales cycle and higher ratio commission.


Altruistic are motivated to serve others, at the cost to themselves. Can put the customer before the company.

5 min read
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